Friday, March 15, 2013

On My Radar

Hi! Hello! Friday!

Today's radar post consists of only one thing: nail art! Well, not strictly nail art, but things involving nail color.

I recently purchased and painted my nails (which I almost never do) with these two colors. I'M OBSESSED.  For whatever reason, I can't stop checking out my nails. The blue-ish color matches a dress I'll be wearing to a wedding tomorrow, so I put it on my accent nail, and used this pale pink on my other nails.

Left: Rimmel Bright Back At You
Right: Sally Hansen Set In Stone

Eeek! It's so girly and not me andIloveiiiiit!
For me, this is about as far into nail art as I go. Four years of art school and I'm still TERRIBLE at painting my nails (there was a lot of cleanup before I took the above photo, heh heh). That being said, I still love to look at it and think ...someday.

For my fellow nail-art-challenged enthusiasts there are always the Sally Hansen Salon Effects strips. You just stick 'em on and file away the excess. However, I refuse to buy these until they come out with super shiny, chrome-like ones ;)

Websites like The Beauty Department offer plenty of tutorials for some simple, cute nail art. Tumblr and Instagram are some of my favorite places to look for nail inspiration or user-uploaded tutorials. What I like about The Beauty Department is their resourcefulness: they're like, "Oh you don't have whatever this pointy nail tool is? It's cool, just use this mechanical pencil you've got layin' around!" 
The Beauty Department: tutorial

On Tumblr, there are an endless number of tutorials for the increasingly popular "water marble" nails. This look is actually much simpler to achieve than it looks...well, with a little finesse...All you need is a bunch of different nail polishes and water. Look up a video; it's kind of mesmerizing.

And if you're REALLY looking to make things detailed, try something like these old-school MTV nails by Instagram user @fleuryrosenails :

Instagram: @fleuryrosenails


Instagram: @bwernet

Seriously?! I want these now. NOW! It looks as though they're simply small pictures of The Girls with a top coat on 'em. Seems totally do-able. And imagine the possibilities: you could put any of your favorite foursomes/fivesomes on there, but really I think this is so perfect as it is. 

Ugh. Maybe I'm not so obsessed with these pink and blue nails anymore...


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