Wednesday, May 15, 2013




I cannot be more excited for me, for you, and for everyone we know. This is going to be a great chance tro get some killer goodies!

That means NOW is the time to scour your closets looking for those gems that maybe you haven't worn in a year or saw potential in but never put it to use. Sometimes...that can be hard. Personally, I'm so fickle that I find myself throwing things into my swap bag for trading year-round, just waiting for the big event.

First, as a general guideline, let me share the rules here:

Next, let me recommend you grab yourself a snack (tonight mine will be guacamole and tortilla chips, chased with a glass of wine), put on some music (I'm a die hard Prince fan), and open up your closet doors to a whole world of possibilities! BE OPTIMISTIC! EXAMINE EVERYTHING!

I like to ask myself these questions:

1. have i worn it in a year?
2. Do I find myself putting it on and almost ALWAYS changing my mind, and taking it iff?
3. Does it fit me?
4. Do I feel good in it?

Usually once I get through the first couple questions, I start to realize what goes and what stays. I actually love my bi-annual swap closet clean out because I either A. make room for more goodies (YESSS!) or B. fall in love with pieces in my wardrobe that I forgot I even owned!

Don't forget to check your shoe racks and jewelry boxes, too! You'll find the same rules and questions apply there.

Good Luck Swappers and don't forget to breathe! See You Guys SUNDAY!


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