Friday, March 29, 2013

On My Radar

Hello there! Welcome to Friday!

Spring is actually upon us and with warmer temperatures this weekend, we can only hope spring is actually real.

I've got a few things on my mind. Well, MORE things on my mind, since I already posted about spring.
Easter is nearly here, our Jewish friends are in the midst of Passover. Y'know, springtime stuff!

Originally this post was going to mention my love of the color black, no matter the season. The truth is, I'm always wearing it. Or am I? The more I thought about it, the more I realized it doesn't completely dominate my wardrobe, though a majority of what I wear is black in some way. These are some of the colors I'm really drawn to right now:

Pink dress: Forever 21; Mint dress: Charlotte Russe; Burgundy dress: JC Penney; Coral blouse: Target
I chose these items because I have them or something very similar (the similar one being the mint dress, if you were wondering). I don't know what's drawing me to these colors, but I'm excited about it. In fact, I think I'll wear the coral blouse for Easter dinner :)

One other springtime thing I'm super pumped about is gardening. Last year my boyfriend Steve planted an amazing garden so big, we couldn't even keep up. Loads of tomatoes and basil kept coming in, which was great for the days we wanted to make our own spaghetti sauce. Steve canned his own pickles, peppers, and salsa. It was great. 

Like, seriously, CRAZY GARDEN.

Though it's small thing, I'm super excited for the lavender seeds we just bought. Thanks to a friend who brought back some lavender from France a few years ago, I'm obsessed. (Okay, the France part isn't important, but it makes it sound fancy.) I currently keep lavender oil in my reed diffusers, my Febreze is lavender scented, and so is my see where this is going. I'm excited to have what I promise I will be calling "the fresh stuff."

My own personal heaven, among the freshest of stuff.

And I'm not sure if I'd like it, but this drink looks super pretty. 

It's called Lavender Bee's Knees, definitely from the Prohibition-era, and it's featured over at Honestly Yum. (Side note: Honestly Yum is a brand spankin' new blog brought to you by the makers of Honestly WTF, which I have featured a time or two in my segments. Cool stuff!)

Well there it is! Even MORE springtime appreciation. I'm sure this won't be the last of it, because I'm sure this isn't the last we'll see of winter...but there's hope!

Have a good one, Toledo!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Coming to terms with "Pixie"

For this week's post I decided to step outside of my little bubble. Please forgive me for the indiscretion but when speaking on the matter of fashion, I must examine all facets of "style". That's where this week's post comes in. When putting together an outfit, sometimes the most essential parts of a "look" are, well, overlooked. HAIR. Sometimes, how you style your hair makes or breaks a look.

Here's where I get a little personal....

I have had short hair for the past 7+ years. It took me about 6 of those years, however, to fall in love, and become a short-haired person. I cut my hair off those many moons ago because I saw Sienna Miller's beautiful Factory Girl chop and HAD to have it. So I marched over to the salon, pulled out her photo and cringed as 16 inches of hair fell to the floor. I loved it, though, for about a month. Then, I felt the heartbreak of limited styles. So, almost immediately, I bought up vitamins, special shampoos, and I began the agonizing process of growing it out. Two years later, I fell in love with Natalie Portman's grown-out GI Jane look and once again, ventured to the salon, pulled out her picture, and watched as hair scattered at my feet. This time it look about three months, but I began dreaming of pony tails and long waves, and the versatility of long locks. I again started to grow it all out. It went on for years. I would get my hair to a bob, right past my chin, and then no sooner, fall in love with the next celebrity chop. I knew I wanted to be a short-haired girl but I also fought with the idea of being limited to simply having zero hair on my head. It took me twice as long to dress myself because everything I put on "looked better with a ponytail" or some other lame excuse. I started to fall out of love with the idea of "pixie".

Then, with the more recent rush of celebrity chops, I couldn't escape the pixie life calling my name. Everywhere I turned there was a beautiful crop calling my name, asking me to join their ranks. That's when I realized, I needed to fall in love and commit. But how? How not to be limited by two inches of hair? The answer was obvious...


..And I've had one ever since. I took the time to figure out something that allowed me to look different every day. I like to refer to it as a convertible cut. One day it's funky and flippy, the next it's side-parted and slicked down. There's a hairstyle to go with every day, and everything in my closet. My hair has become my best, and favorite accessory. 

And I have never looked back! (Although I will admit to the occasional dream where I have mermaid length hair and can't remember how to brush it, something I have not done in years). But the lesson learned, is through some trial and error, I've figured out what look makes me happy and works for me. On all accounts, but especially my hair. No more limits! My hair doesn't hold me back from being the fashionista I see when I close my eyes and imagine myself on this runway called "LIFE".

Swappers, how does your hair finish off your "look"? How does it change? How do you make it work for you and the look you'd like to have?


Monday, March 25, 2013

STYLE FILE: Catherine Baba

Good afternoon, SWAPpers :)

Sometimes, a person's style is so visually arresting, it literally takes my breath away. This entry's subject portrays such a strong sense of character and uniqueness, you may find yourself googling her to keep up with what she'll decide to wear next...not that I do that...much.

I discovered Catherine Baba when I was searching for pictures for my Facebook cover photo of women riding bikes while wearing vintage furs (as I often do in the Old West End and Downtown neighborhoods of Toledo). There were lots of images available, but one stuck out to me: a woman in giant sunglasses wearing a fur and a turban in 6" emerald green stilettos riding in and around Paris. Her bicycle (clearly as vintage as her fur) had some very masculine leather saddle bags. In was genius. I then fell into a deep chasm of photo research and was totally hooked.

Personal information about Catherine Baba is scarcely available, but we do know that she is a stylist who has lived in Paris for 15 years and has worked with the likes of Givenchy, Balmain, Chanel, Ungaro and many others.

Let's take a look at Catherine Baba's closet must-haves...and of course how we can get our hands on them for ourselves! This week's entry was a bit of a challenge. In particular, I was was disappointed and sad that I could not find a similar lace dress overlay that was completely see-through to purchase online! I feel like I see these at vintage stores ALL. THE. TIME. so it was quite baffling that they were completely unavailable for purchase in the here and now.

Rule #1:  Leggings are the sweatpants of the fabulous.  Catherine is often seen donning black spandex leggings (I have some and they are incredibly flattering and versatile) underneath large, heaping layers of coats, shirts and dresses. Another plus of wearing leggings as opposed to tights while riding a bike (I have made this mistake before): you don't have to worry about anyone scoping out your undies! I found some black and white leggings (below) that look a lot like the print of her black and blue body suit.

Rule #2: Get some sunglasses that cover your entire face because you are WORTH all that mystery! Catherine is often photographed for street style publications from afar and the glasses serve as a veritable barrier between the characters she creates and the photographer's lens!

Rule #3: Having a bad hair day? Throw that mess in a turban! (We've ALL been there!)

Rule #4: Puffy sleeves on a cheerful printed vintage dress make your waist look miniscule! Catherine loves bright, bold colors in off-kilter patterns like these pop-art cherries. Cinch it all in with a decorative belt.

Rule #5: The 20's and the 80's go hand-in-hand! Catherine, from the neck up, is all 1920's. Her eyebrows are pencil-thin, as if she is channeling Anais Nin. Gwen Lee or Lillian Gish. However, the rest of her is totally 80's with a bit of bag lady thrown in for good measure.

Rule #6: Ditch the black town car during Paris Fashion Week and hoof it on your bicycle instead. Your ass will thank you kindly :)

Here's how you can get Catherine's look!

  1. Short Floral Robe   $32.50
  2. Vintage Style Sunglasses  $9.95
  3. Black & White Zebra Leggings  $6.59
  4. Retro Bangle  $5.00
  5.  Gold Cuff   $10.00
  6.  Pink Shirt Dress  $33.00
  7. Roxy Autumn Felt Hat   $21.99
  8. Sequined Prairie Skirt  $12.50
  9.  Women’s Vintage Wiggle Dress  $34.00
  10. Handmade Flower Belt  $52.00
  11.  Just Cavalli Coat   $280.00
  12. Turban   $9.99
  13.  Vintage ox Fur Coat  $90.00
  14.  Silk Casual Pants  $113.00
  15. Bicycle Saddle Bags  $100.00
  16.  Vintage Olivier Strelli Cape   $85.00

xoxo, Jordan

Friday, March 22, 2013

On My Radar: Home Edition

It was suggested to me that I write about interview attire this week, since I've had two interviews in two days...but I'm really not an expert on the subject. I wore a cardigan instead of a blazer, which shows employers I'M A RISK-TAKER–WATCH OUT!

Instead, I'm pulling from my home decor radar. We moved into our apartment in the Old West End last July and I have yet to really decorate anything. I've put some things up here and there, but it remains largely unfinished...and now it feels too late. Or does it? We were considering moving, but now we're reconsidering. Immediately my brain said, "NOW THERE'S MORE TIME!"

In the spirit of Swap (and it the spirit of my own cheapness), most of this stuff comes from repurposed or "upcycled" items. (Note: some of this stuff has been saved on my computer for some time, so I'm sorry I don't have any image sources. I can tell you they mostly came from Tumblr.)


I love the idea of repurposed items. How cool is some of this stuff?! Imagine walking into someone's living room and seeing a shelving space made entirely of coffee tables cut in half. Whether they're bright purple or their original wood stain, you'd still take notice. Similarly, the idea of turning a chair upside down to make a towel rack for the bathroom is genius. The easiest of these projects would have to be the trophy topper coat rack. I'm sure area thrift stores have plenty of trophies for various accomplishments (I've definitely seen a homemade one for someone who quit smoking...); simply dismount and remount! Now you've got your own set of trophies congratulating you on your sweet, new pad!

Displaying cool stuff is always important– Duh! I like these ideas because they think outside the frame (har-dee-har-har) a bit. The idea of building a frame to freely hang a lot of posters and pictures is different and minimizes holes being put into the walls, which is great if you're living in a rented space like an apartment. If you're someone who always has trouble finding frames the right size for your photos/art, the frame-string-and-clothespin option is a good one. Oh you don't have frames? How about some empty jars? This idea is really great because it gives you the option to recycle something we regularly get from the grocery store and, like frames, they come in many different shapes and sizes.

Lastly, here's some plain ol' decor I've taken a fancy to recently (DIY-able, of course!)

On the left is a mini hanging garden made from polymer clay, string, and plants. I've just begun collecting colored glass, so I really love the way this looks. On the right is a collection of gold-dipped ceramics made with some painter's tape and gold spray paint. These would go great on a window sill holding plants or in an office holding your pens and pencils.

I'm getting really excited at the possibility of trying some of these things out. Maybe we'll stay here after all...


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thinking of, dreaming of, and hoping for SPRING!

I don't know about you guys, but sometimes when the weather, my job, or just life gets me down, I turn to material objects to get my heart beating again. No one likes to admit it but on the rainiest of days, sometimes nothing compares to swiping your card through that convenient little card reader and unloading bags on your bedroom floor or hitting the "buy" button on your computer screen and watching your shopping cart return to empty as you monitor the door waiting for the next postal drop off. For me, there's nothing that cheers my mood up more than shopping in my closet. I love to tear the whole thing apart, move things from the back to a prestigious spot up front and find new, fun combinations for old, worn pieces. It makes me feel like I went to the store and spent $1,000,000 on a brand new wardrobe.

Recently, with spring and the (fingers crossed) promise of warm weather, I have fallen back in love with my vast collection of jumpsuits. They are my go-to outfit choice when the sun comes up and even when the moon is out. they transition from day-to-night oh so well, and oh so comfortably. Put your favorite band tee under one and some keds or chucks, BOOM! a casual weekend look for running errands. Belt it high on the waist, throw on a lace shrug and heels, and you're ready for a night on the town. Jumpsuits are timeless, and easy, and cute..ALWAYS. Here, is my particular favorite from my collection. It's a wide-legged, black, polyester number that fits like a glove. It makes me feel sleek and fashion-forward while still feeling like I'm out in my pajamas in public; heaven!

I found this looker at a vintage boutique in Louisville, KY called The Pink Door Boutique and it's been a staple in my wardrobe every Spring, Summer, and Fall since.

What pieces of your wardrobe brighten your rainiest of days, Swappers?


Monday, March 18, 2013

STYLE FILE: Joel Trzcinski

Good evening, SWAPpers :)

I met Joel Trzcinski out and about on Adams Street and quickly discovered we had a lot in common - we both work in marketing/advertising and we both have a love for fashion. Joel's style is simple, urbane and practical. He stood out to me right away as a no-nonsense dresser; someone you might find having a coffee working on a project in the lobby of the ACE Hotel in New York. He's someone who knows what he wants and knows what works for him. Shopping to him is a means to an end --- a pared down process that involves picking up the basics at go-to places and also expanding his horizons when he has access to boutiques in larger cities. Joel may sit behind the drum kit when he plays for Nathan Roberts, but his style never goes unnoticed. Without further ado, I present to you: Joel Trzcinski! Enjoy!


Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm an account executive at a digital agency called Hanson Inc, and also play drums and manage singer-songwriter Nathan Roberts. I spend pretty much any free time I have working on music or going to see bands live. I also like to travel as much as possible to experience other cities. 

Define your personal style.
I can be very chill or much more animated, that's just my personality. So I think my personal style reflects that. I could wear a v-neck t-shirt, cardigan, and chucks, which is much more relaxed, or go for a crazy paisley or polka dot shirt, blazer and boots if I'm going out. It just depends on what I'm feeling. I'd say I've taken elements from what I suppose some people consider "hipster" or trendy and also rock n' roll, and made them my own, something more casual and yet classy. Someone told me recently after visiting Paris that people there looked like me. I'll take that as a compliment.

Who are your style influences?
I'm mostly inspired by musicians and bands since I'm also a musician and in a band. Especially ones that not only have creative music but are also trendsetters with their style. I really dig MuteMath, Jack White, Pete Yorn, Beck and have always loved The Beatles. Beatles were so ahead of their time, it's ridiculous. People are still trying to recreate their look or sound. Also, recently I came across this new band called Wild Belle and their look/style is absolutely amazing.

How do you typically find new items for your wardrobe?
Because I'm so busy I don't have time for long shopping adventures. Knowing my style has allowed me to eliminate a lot of places or wandering aimlessly through racks of clothes. My process is usually intentional, no casual shopping. It starts with seeing something that inspires me, searching online to narrow it down, then either ordering it or going to the store to try it out. I always take advantage of hitting up cool boutiques or shops when I'm in bigger cities. Then there's the Urban Outfitters and vintage shops in Ann Arbor that I go to often.

How do you "recycle" clothes in your closet to create new ensembles?
Every 6 months to a year I'll get rid of clothes that I don't like anymore. But there are some items that still work so I'll just mix and match those with new clothing items. Sometimes I'll find myself with shirts that I never wear and then I'll get a new jacket or sweater and all of a sudden the shirt works. 

What's your 5 year plan career wise?
I don't really envision making a career switch, just maybe changing it slightly. I see myself still involved is a digital agency or marketing firm but ideally will be mostly full time in music at that point. My goal is to make the most out of what I'm involved with in Toledo and work really hard, but then move to bigger city to take things to the next level. So in 5 years I'd like to be to touring regularly and playing music.


  1. Chambray Shirt  $44.00
  2. Aeropostale Plaid Shirt  $27.99
  3. Steve Madden Pea Coat  $89.99
  4. Striped T-shirt  $11.99
  5. Vintage Button-down  $11.00
  6. Super-skinny Jeans Acid Wash  $25.43
  7. Dakota Patchwork Leather Jacket   $99.99
  8. Imatra ESS Sneaker  $76.00
  9. Wolf by Farah blazer  $43.00

Friday, March 15, 2013

On My Radar

Hi! Hello! Friday!

Today's radar post consists of only one thing: nail art! Well, not strictly nail art, but things involving nail color.

I recently purchased and painted my nails (which I almost never do) with these two colors. I'M OBSESSED.  For whatever reason, I can't stop checking out my nails. The blue-ish color matches a dress I'll be wearing to a wedding tomorrow, so I put it on my accent nail, and used this pale pink on my other nails.

Left: Rimmel Bright Back At You
Right: Sally Hansen Set In Stone

Eeek! It's so girly and not me andIloveiiiiit!
For me, this is about as far into nail art as I go. Four years of art school and I'm still TERRIBLE at painting my nails (there was a lot of cleanup before I took the above photo, heh heh). That being said, I still love to look at it and think ...someday.

For my fellow nail-art-challenged enthusiasts there are always the Sally Hansen Salon Effects strips. You just stick 'em on and file away the excess. However, I refuse to buy these until they come out with super shiny, chrome-like ones ;)

Websites like The Beauty Department offer plenty of tutorials for some simple, cute nail art. Tumblr and Instagram are some of my favorite places to look for nail inspiration or user-uploaded tutorials. What I like about The Beauty Department is their resourcefulness: they're like, "Oh you don't have whatever this pointy nail tool is? It's cool, just use this mechanical pencil you've got layin' around!" 
The Beauty Department: tutorial

On Tumblr, there are an endless number of tutorials for the increasingly popular "water marble" nails. This look is actually much simpler to achieve than it looks...well, with a little finesse...All you need is a bunch of different nail polishes and water. Look up a video; it's kind of mesmerizing.

And if you're REALLY looking to make things detailed, try something like these old-school MTV nails by Instagram user @fleuryrosenails :

Instagram: @fleuryrosenails


Instagram: @bwernet

Seriously?! I want these now. NOW! It looks as though they're simply small pictures of The Girls with a top coat on 'em. Seems totally do-able. And imagine the possibilities: you could put any of your favorite foursomes/fivesomes on there, but really I think this is so perfect as it is. 

Ugh. Maybe I'm not so obsessed with these pink and blue nails anymore...


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ode to Jewels

Maybe the best part of thrifting, antiquing, etc., and maybe the most overlooked, Jewelry can make or break an outfit. I have been fortunate enough to stumble across some pretty amazing pieces in my days of sustainable dressing. This week, I thought I would share some of my favorite, go-to pieces with you Swappers. As someone who sometimes can't find an inspiration in my closet, I usually find relief in my jewelry box. It's amazing how a necklace or well-placed pile of bracelets can completely transform a look. Below, are some of my favorite lifesavers in my collection, all purchased at local thrift stores and antique malls.



As you can see, I usually go for pretty significant (size-wise) jewelry. I like my jewelry to do all the talking. What attracts you to certain pieces, swappers?


Monday, March 11, 2013

STYLE FILE: Crystal Wood

It is my pleasure to introduce Ms. Crystal Wood as our very first local fashion icon featured on this blog. I find her eclectic, accessories-driven outfits totally inspiring. Upon initial observation, it may seem that Crystal's style is inaccessible, too editorial (never mind that she is standing outside of Ottawa Tavern on a Saturday night and not on a runway). However, if you look closely, you can see there is a heart beating underneath all those feathers, denim and sparkle. Girl has a sense of humor, even though it may be art-inspired. Check out her fantastic wardrobe and see how you can get a piece of the action below!


Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm most importantly a poet and a hopeless romantic. From this, the rest of my being blossoms. I graduated college with a Bachelors in Art this past year and now have no idea what to do with it. I'm currently living in Nashville and trying to figure out where and what I'm supposed to be doing. Other than that, I'm slightly reserved due to the mass amount of things constantly processing through my head. Also I'm a big dreamer to the point at times it's almost paralyzing.

Define your personal style.
My personal style is definitely an eclectic mix of things. I'm inspired by prints and color and playing with slightly off-kilter mixes of the two. I adore playing with layers and using sheer fabrics to create illusion and romanticism in my looks. I'm definitely a jewelry collector and have jewelry I've acquired from India, China and Afghanistan. I'm into jewelry that are statement pieces and conversation starters. No outfit is complete without the proper accessories. And hats! More people should wear them. It's hard to truly describe my style for each day I'm trying something new and mixing it up.

What inspires you to dress the way you do?
I'm an artist and I see it as another form of art and self-expression. Fashion gives you the ability to speak several different things to people simply by them looking at you. You can get a small understanding of a person by their clothes before they even open their mouths.

Who is your all-time favorite designer and why?
A hard one. I'd probably have to say Lanvin. His aesthetic reminds me of a dark romantic spirit with an eye for expensive vintage pieces and exquisite jewelry. I think that sums me up.

How do you "recycle" clothes in your wardrobe to create new ensembles?
Layers! Instead of simply wearing a blouse over a pair of pants, put it under a dress for a completely different spin, wear a short dress over a longer one peeking out from the bottom, etc.

What's your five-year plan, career-wise?
I barely know my plan for this week so thinking of 5 years in advance is hard for me. I want to model but what fashion enthusiast doesn't? I want to publish a book of poems, but what aspiring writer doesn't? I'm not extremely career-minded as much as I am one to just stumble into things and see what happens. That might be a problem in the future. I'd love for my end game to take me to be some sort of Creative Director or Stylist someday.


1. Ponte pleated jumpsuit   $69.00
2. Feather cape shawl   $38.00
3. Watercolor Camisole Empire Cascade Dress  $108.00
4. Beaded Bib Necklace  $27.00
5. Denim Vest   $49.95
6. Kimchee Blue Boot  $85.00
7. Zippered Faux Leather Leggings  $27.80
8. Purple Turban  $9.99
9. Straw Hat  $31.99
10. Vintage Peacock Sweater $52.00

Friday, March 8, 2013

STILL On My Radar...

And now on my body! You'll see...

First, sorry I'm late. We are WELL into Friday, and I apologize for not getting here sooner.

Remember about two weeks ago when I mentioned harnesses? In conjunction with some other DIY stuff? Well guess what I did with the last couple days! Let me start by saying I knew I HAD to do it when I found this while looking up ideas:
Oh, really, Yahoo Shine? Oh please, God, YES.
What's wrong with people in Ohio taking fashion risks? Why do New York and LA get to have all the fun? We here at Swap*Toledo are strong advocates of this sentiment. Moving on...

I started with these two belts from Walmart. I decided to get them from the boys section since I knew a) they'd be cheaper and b) I needed something smaller in order for it to fit around my waist. Just when I thought I was going to have to buy extra "leather" fabric, I sighted this old bag in my closet. (I love this bag, but it survived a house fire and the studs got a little weathered in the processs.)

I gathered up my trusty scissors, thread, and the TRUSTIEST of tools, the seam ripper. By using a seam ripper, I was able to carefully deconstruct my purse while keeping all the raw edges tucked into their original seams. It's a beautiful thing. Eventually the bag's straps became the straps to my harness and I used one of the D-rings (also from the purse) to make the back. Other smaller pieces came from the strips attached to the bag's zipper. (This is probably boring information, but am I clever or am I clever?) Then I sewed it all back together!

Exhibits A, B, and C

And it all culminated in this:

As you can see, I paired it with some opaque black tights (it's still cold out!) and some chunky mary-janes. I think the trick to this look is letting the harness be the "edgy" statement piece and keeping everything else on the soft side. 

I'm so excited to try this with other things like jackets, hoodies, button-down shirts...everything, ever. 

So there you have it! If you're wondering, the harness itself cost a total of $16, which was just the cost of the belts since I already had the bag. And if you were wondering about anything else: the dress and shoes were Forever 21 clearance items ($7 and $10, respectively), and the tights are, well, just reg'luh ol' tights.

What do you say, Toledo and/or Ohio? Can we make harnesses a thing and tell Yahoo to suck a lemon? Please let me know!

...but I'm still gonna keep rockin' this thing.

Good weekends to you all!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Victor Victoria!!...inspired.

For this Wednesday's post I drew some inspiration from Jordan's Monday post about the beautiful, and stylish Mark Ronson. I am a big fan of stealing clothes from the closets of men. Mostly, because I like the way they fit my petite body (and the fact that they're so comfy!). But, I will not be wearing men's clothes in this week's post, more like menswear-inspired pieces.

When I think menswear, I always think of the Glamorous 1940's and beautiful woman in silky, slinky suits. So, today I found myself a pair of tuxedo-inspired, high-waisted slacks, a tight cardigan (PROPORTIONS!) and some charming, vintage inspired accessories. ALL PIECES FOUND AT AREA GOODWILLS!

The flats I got for $3, they're trusty black ballet slippers that I wear with everything. The earrings are big button-like posts. The faux-fur collar is just something I found, perhaps meant to come attached to a sweater. I added a velcro piece on each end for a tear-away set-up, but I also like the idea of holding it together with a brooch. The cardigan is a simple grey sweater. And the pants are my favorite bit. They're a little harem, with a drop crotch, airy feeling, and slightly tuxedo. They're high-waisted with a built-in cumberbund and a zipper up the back. AMAZING. The whole business cost me maybe $15.

So who says the boys can have all the fun? Glamazons, let's give them a run for their money...well, their $15.
